National Field Days took place in Boguchwała, Poland

National Field Days took place in Boguchwała, Poland


On 14-16 th of June 2024 the National Field Days took place in Boguchwała, Poland.

As usual, there were thousands of participants interested in all aspects of Polish Agriculture.

Agricultural Advisory Centre in Brwinów had its own stand dedicated to all our soil related projects.

We have invited advisors interested in soil issues for short lecture of Marek Krysztoforski (CDR’s SoilXChange Knowledge Board Member). We had a chance to introduce them with SoilXChange objectives and expected results.

We had also visited all Regional Advisory Centres stands to spread the information about the project and asked about potential Operational Groups which can be a part of our network.

There were also representatives of Polish AKIS CB visited our spot, which resulted in informing them about our SoilXChange mission.

We had a chance to get more informed about other soil related projects which gave us some wider perspective on our activities.

The event completely met our expectations.