SO1: Set up a new and empower already existing networks both national and EU level to enhance experience exchange, peer-to-peer learning and dissemination of knowledge from sustainable soil management related EIP OGs and other similar practice-oriented projects and initiatives.
Activities underpinning this objective
Mapping, recruiting and connecting relevant actors in the national nodes and then in a single EU wide network – the Soil-X-Change Net - with the aim of bringing together the cornerstone of the project, the EIP-AGRI Operational groups and farmers, and a wide range of stakeholders involved and interested in sustainable agriculture (farmers associations, advisors, researchers, industry), the Innovation Ecosystem (CAP network, Agriculture Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKISs), Governance, National and International Projects (EJP SOIL HUBs) and Civil Society for knowledge exchange.
Mapping, analysing and connecting Operational Groups from other countries related to our topic in order to boost knowledge sharing and peer-to-peer learning. Their experiences, best practices and bottlenecks regarding their operation and funding will also be collected and shared at Soil-X-Change Net.
Virtual/on-site meetings and workshops to build connections and develop the cooperation. During meetings, project partners will map relevant activities of AKIS, and discuss problems, obstacles, bottlenecks, solutions, remedies and potentials to accelerate sustainable soil management practices adoption.
Farm demonstrations showcasing OG project results achieved, to encourage adaptation of new methodologies
Achievements/Targeted outcome
9 well-connected and interactive national nodes will be established with a standardized framework that will serve for cooperation of stakeholders to share their problems, needs, solutions, techniques and methods. Special attention will be on sharing collected best practices, methods, techniques with CAP Network (EIP-AGRI), EJP SOIL HUBs and on the EU FarmBook platform which will ensure sustainability.
Collaboration will be established with the most relevant identified EU projects, platforms and initiatives, which will lead to mutual exchange of knowledge, experiences, practices and solutions during and beyond the project period.
Established cooperation with AKIS Coordination Bodies (CB) in EU member states will lead to wider knowledge sharing and better acceptance of solutions collected and developed in the project.
Yearly national workshops in every partner country (Σ27), biannual workshops with AKIS (Σ6) and annual participation at least 2 EU level event (Σ6) will enforce the networking activities.
18 farm demonstrations by Soil-X-Change OGs, open to non-member EIP operational groups, farmers and advisors, showcasing identified ready to use practices.